In our previous blog, we covered the basic Preferences. In this blog, we cover how to configure Preferences in MAXIMIZER CRM under the Other Preferences section.

Reminder: How to Access your Preferences

In the top-right corner of the page, click on the cog icon to access your Preferences.

Set up Maimizer CRM preferences toolbar

The basic Preferences appear:

Maximizer CRM basic preferences


Other Preferences

Click OTHER PREFERENCES to access more preferences.

1. Logging

You can decide whether to log notes (or not) when you perform the following actions:


There are some options that you would obviously want to ensure were logged, such as phone calls but, depending on how you use MAXIMIZER CRM, others like Timers may not need to be logged.

Logging everything can enrich your 360 degree view of your prospects, customers and suppliers but the flip side is that it can make it more difficult to wade through the notes to spot the valuable information. As your Technology Partner, we would discuss this area with you to agree the best configuration for your needs.

2. Calendar / Hotlist

This area has the most configuration options split into the following sections:

Default Settings

Save yourself time by setting default options for:

Access to Calendar / Hotlist

Generally set up by your Administrator, this controls who can add/edit your appointments and tasks (Full Access) or who can view your calendar (Read Access).

Access rights can be given to an individual user, a security group or all users.


A useful set of other configurable options:

Work Days

Working has never been more flexible, so select which are your working days to help colleagues when booking appointments and tasks for you.

Non-work days are hidden from the weekly Calendar view if you deselect the Show non-work days in weekly view checkbox.

Further information

To learn more about how to configure your preferences in MAXIMIZER CRM so that you can become even more effective and efficient, get in touch with us:

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